Comprehensive Strategies for Title IX Coordinators: Institute and Certification

Comprehensive Strategies for Title IX Coordinators: Institute and Certification

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Learn essential strategies and tools to be more effective and successful as a Title IX Coordinator.


Issues facing Title IX Coordinators are continuing to become more complex and difficult. Many who are new to the role are struggling to find their footing and even those with more experience are finding it hard to get accustomed to the continually shifting landscape and uncertainty.

Join us for this highly comprehensive learning experience, designed to adequately prepare you with the skills, tools, and resources you need to feel successful in your role while leading Title IX compliance efforts on your campus.

This conference isn’t like your typical association event. Due to the intimate, practical, and interactive nature of the program, you’ll walk away with tangible plans and resources you can put into play as soon as you return to campus.

  • This event is your opportunity to practice real-life scenarios, designed to address the most pressing and often isolating challenges you face in your role.
  • You will have plenty of networking time, as well as the opportunity to consult our expert speakers on any institution specific questions or concerns you may have.
  • Our experts will create space for honest, transparent discussion about the challenges and success stories of this demanding role.
  • After completing the conference, you will receive a certificate of completion to document your participation and credentials in your role as Title IX Coordinator.


Who Should Attend

This conference is best suited to those responsible for providing direction, leadership, and accountability in their role as Title IX (Deputy) Coordinator. Supervisors of Title IX Coordinators, Legal Counsels, and representatives from Human Resources will also benefit from the content of this training.


Optional Pre-Conference Workshop: Foundations for New Title IX Coordinators

Are you a new or aspiring Title IX Coordinator with less than one year of professional experience in the role? If so, join us for this workshop to ground yourself in the foundational concepts, skills, and requirements of your new role including:

  • Case management considerations
  • Reviewing policies and procedures
  • Leading campus-wide training efforts
  • Strategies to effectively position yourself as the campus expert on all things Title IX

If you’d like to attend the conference as well as this pre-conference workshop, simply select the Pre-Conference Workshop + Virtual Conference option at registration and save $95.


Limited Attendance

In order to ensure a high-quality learning experience, we have intentionally designed this Virtual Training to have a limited number of total attendees. To ensure access from both paying participants and also from those who have an All-Inclusive membership, when the membership cap is reached, only paying participants can register after that point (while spaces are still available). If you have questions about whether this program is right for you, please contact us.


Follow Through With Success Coaching

Have you ever gone to a training only to find that you came back with great ideas but don’t have the time, support, or skills needed to make the changes?

Academic Impressions has produced thousands of trainings and we have learned that utilizing a coach after attending a conference helps provide accountability and bridges the training with the on-the-ground work of getting the job done.

As a result, we are now offering success coaching on select conferences.

  • Purchase this training + 3 one hour follow up success coaching calls
  • Work with an assigned coach who has extensive experience in higher ed.
  • Get individualized support to help you follow through on what you’ve learned.
  • Workshop your plans, run your ideas by someone and get additional help/practice.

To get success coaching, simply purchase the Conference + Success Coaching product below.

Learn More About Success Coaching

The Academic Impressions Online Learning Experience

Intentionally Designed
Online Learning

Our virtual trainings go far beyond just replicating PowerPoint presentations online: these experiences are intentionally designed to give you the kind of robust and dynamic learning experience you’ve come to expect from Academic Impressions. These trainings provide you with an active learning environment and an online space where you can explore ideas, get inspired by what your peers are doing, and understand the range of possibilities around a certain topic. You will leave these sessions with practical solutions that you can take back to your team or task force.

What you will get:

  • A dynamic, interactive, and high-touch virtual learning experience designed to engage and set you up for growth
  • Seamless online face-time, networking, group work, and Q&A opportunities from the comfort of your own workspace
  • Practical takeaways and hands-on knowledge
  • Guidance from vetted subject matter experts

See What Our Attendees are Saying

“The AI faculty are clearly at the top of their game yet very approachable. I leave feeling much more connected to the material and to a wider community of practitioners.”

“In this time where travel is not possible, it was amazing to gather with a group in a remote learning environment and receive such quality instruction.”

“I am a new Title IX Coordinator and was extremely overwhelmed with the new changes. After attending this conference, I feel better equipped to be successful in my role.”




Pre-Conference Session: Foundations for New Title IX Coordinators
12:00 – 5:00 p.m. ET
New Title IX Coordinators may enter their role with little or no formalized training. This workshop will provide new coordinators with less than one year of professional experience with the right tools and strategies to be successful in their new role. The workshop will cover the main responsibilities of a Title IX Coordinator including:

  • Case management considerations
  • Reviewing policies and procedures
  • Leading campus-wide training efforts
  • Strategies to effectively position yourself as the campus expert on all things Title IX

You’ll come away with a collection of practical tools, resources, and roadmaps that you will help you acclimate to the demands of your complex new role on campus.

Register for the workshop only here.



DAY ONE | August 19, 2021


Optional Meet & Greet
11:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. ET



Welcome and Introductions  
12:00 – 12:15 p.m. ET



TIX Coordinator Foundations Overview
12:15 – 12:45 p.m. ET
This first session will serve as the foundation for our conversation, grounding the conference in the core tenants of Title IX and key concepts such as equity, impartiality, fairness, and transparency.



Reinforcing your Infrastructure
12:30 – 1:30 p.m. ET
Upon your foundation, we’ll identify the essentials and promising practices for strengthening your policy, processes, and structural considerations.



1:30 – 1:45 p.m. ET



Case Intake and Response
1:45 – 2:45 p.m. ET
Throughout the conference, we’ll follow the progression of a case from start to finish. In this session we’ll begin with your responsive obligations when a report is received including discussing supportive measures, options to file a complaint, and how to conduct a preliminary review.



2:45 – 3:15 p.m. ET



Processing a Complaint
3:15 – 4:30 p.m. ET
When receiving a complaint, there are critical obligations that must be met. We'll review the essential steps you must take when receiving a formal complaint.



4:30 – 5:00 p.m. ET


DAY TWO | August 20, 2021


Recap and Review
12:00 – 12:15 p.m. ET



Best Practices for Managing Sexual Harassment/Misconduct Investigations
12:15 – 1:15 Eastern
We will discuss a high-level approach to managing your campus’ sexual harassment/misconduct investigations including how to delineate the role of the Coordinator and Investigator during the investigative process. You’ll learn different models of investigative procedures and how to become more efficient in managing your case load.



1:15 – 1:30 p.m.  ET



Best Practices for Managing Hearings and Appeals
1:30 – 2:30 p.m. Eastern
Hearings were complex to begin with and have become even more so. During this session we’ll discuss the role of the Title IX Coordinator in overseeing the hearing and appeal process. We'll discuss the complications of administrative considerations, preparation, advisors, and cross-examination.



2:30 – 3:00 p.m. ET



Overseeing your Campus’ Training Efforts
3:00 – 3:45 p.m. ET
Providing oversight and directing training efforts for critical campus partners such as investigators, hearing panel/appellate officers, steering committee members, and campus leaders will be at the forefront of a Title IX Coordinator’s strategic planning efforts. You will learn how to review and differentiate training topics and learning outcomes for internal constituents on your campus.



3:45 – 4:00 p.m. ET



Roundtable Discussions
4:00 – 4:45 p.m. ET
This final session is designed to make space for your most pressing and complicated concerns that often lack one right answer. We’ll leverage the experience and insights from attendees to shape the discussion and share promising practices for responding to challenges like conflicting state and local laws, responding to litigation and OCR complaints, and emerging developments in Title IX.



Final Q&A / Wrap-Up
4:45 – 5:00 p.m.  ET


Portrait of Jeanine Bias-Nelson

Jeanine Bias

Director, Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion / Title IX Coordinator, Sam Houston State University

Jeanine Bias has spent her entire professional career in Higher Education Administration and Student Affairs. Currently, she serves as a resource for advisement and consultation on issues related to diversity, equity and inclusion. Her responsibilities include providing leadership to investigations into allegations of discrimination, harassment, and other civil rights violations as well as develop and facilitate university wide training programs and activities related to Title IX, Title VII, and other Equal Employment Opportunities/Affirmative Action (EEO/AA) laws and regulations.

Read Jeanine's Full Bio.

Portrait of Lorna Fink

Lorna Fink, J.D., CCEP

University Compliance Officer/Title IX Coordinator, Lynn University

In addition to her current roles, Fink created the Office of University Compliance, which coordinates campus-wide compliance and ethics programs, manages the policy and procedure program, supports risk management, shares responsibility for NCAA Compliance, and oversees equity programming, including Title IX, ADA, and discrimination.

Read Lorna's Full Bio.

Portrait of Tim Love

Tim Love, J.D.

Executive Director for Equity & Compliance, Title IX Coordinator, Loyola University Chicago

In 2019, Tim Love led Loyola University Chicago’s efforts to restructure its compliance program related to Title IX and other equity/civil rights laws, creating the Office for Equity & Compliance to centralize the program and bring institutional policies into alignment across faculty, student, and staff domains. Previously, Love had held various student affairs roles over 11 years at Loyola, including serving as the associate dean of students, director of student conduct and conflict resolution, and within residence life.

Read Tim's Full Bio.


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Questions About the Event?

Jess Landis

Jess Landis
Program Manager, Academic Impressions