Meetings Success Kit (Departmental License)
Last updated July 9, 2018Course Length
Last Updated
July 9, 2018

Meetings Success Kit (Departmental License)
Last updated July 9, 2018Table of Contents
Departmental license: $195 [for up to 3 people to use resources within institution]
We’ve all suffered through bad meetings. Given how much time we spend with our colleagues, this pain has real consequences for our teams and institutions. The stock advice around “making an agenda” and “drafting action items” will only do so much to make meetings more effective.
Our Meeting Success Kit will help your organization start focusing on the less obvious components of meetings that can significantly shift how people engage and how they build agreement. As higher education continues to face significant and fundamental challenges, you must be able to convene and engage diverse stakeholders on key topics in order to meet your goals.
Who should attend?
Whether you’re in charge of planning meetings, managing the logistics, or facilitating the meeting itself, this kit will help you take control of how you conduct the work of your institution. Institutional leaders can purchase this toolkit for their entire campus to share; plus, faculty and staff can use it to quickly improve one aspect of meetings or re-skin them top to bottom.
What You Will Get
More than just “agendas and actions items,” you will receive an online toolkit to transform meetings on your campus, including 20 short instructional videos and 17 activity designs you can use to generate ideas, encourage participation, and gather feedback. You will also receive a comprehensive assessment to evaluate the effectiveness of your meetings and help you decide where to focus your efforts.