Principles for Effective Online Teaching


Principles for Effective Online Teaching


Table of Contents


Learn how to take the most effective classroom teaching principles to the online environment.

Overview & Agenda

Effective online teaching is grounded in the same best practice principles as all other educational mediums. The challenge for faculty is operationalizing these principles for the online environment. Walk through ten key principles to quality online teaching. Our expert instructor will share multiple implementation strategies to actualize each of these in your online course. These strategies will help improve student engagement and course quality.

Do you have multiple approaches to include each of these essential components in your online courses?

  • Know your audience
  • Get organized
  • Get comfortable with the technology
  • Communicate expectations
  • Let your personality show
  • Be engaged
  • Build community
  • Plan for the unexpected
  • Provide meaningful and timely feedback
  • Practice continuous quality improvement

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