Developing a Collaborative Metrics Structure for Stronger Corporate Engagement


Developing a Collaborative Metrics Structure for Stronger Corporate Engagement


Table of Contents



Step 1: Your Guiding Strategy

What are you trying to accomplish and what are some ways you can define your strategy to inform your success metrics?

Step 2: Cultivating Ownership for Success

Who is responsible for meeting the objectives of your strategic plan? How does accountability drive performance? How do you consistently monitor progress?

Step 3: Your Data Landscape

What qualitative and quantitative data is worth tracking and reporting, and what are the best practices to do this?

Step 4: Monitoring Progress

What kind of support do you and your staff need to ensure you’re doing what you need to do to reach your goals?

Why is this event retired?

At AI we want to always ensure that the best and most current trainings are available to members, and we regularly review our trainings to ensure that is the case.