Developing a Student-Alumni Career Connections Program


Developing a Student-Alumni Career Connections Program


Table of Contents


Learn how to best engage alumni and students with short-term career development experiences.


  • Basic Structure for a Successful Program
    • Objectives for alumni engagement
    • Objectives for student career development
  • Partnerships
    • The role of alumni relations
    • The role of career services
    • Other key stakeholders
  • Recruiting Your Alumni Volunteers
    • Building interest
    • Setting expectations
    • Developing a diverse alumni mentor pool
  • Sparking and Keeping Student Interest
    • Identifying need and defining value
    • Setting expectations
  • Ongoing Management of Your Program
    • Platform selection and maintenance
    • Measuring return on investment
    • Maintaining student and alumni pipelines
    • Scaling a program for different institutional settings
  • Lessons Learned and Looking Ahead

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At AI we want to always ensure that the best and most current trainings are available to members, and we regularly review our trainings to ensure that is the case.