Achieving your Career Goals with an Executive Coach
Last updated May 27, 2024Course Length
Last Updated
May 27, 2024
Achieving your Career Goals with an Executive Coach
Last updated May 27, 2024Table of Contents
Learn the unique benefits executive coaching brings to career advancement in higher education.
Are you seeking strategies for challenging conversations and getting buy-in from stakeholders? Are you trying to plan for career advancement but struggling with learning new skills and how to position yourself? Are you looking to develop yourself as a professional but are challenged by a new role and little guidance? Come learn how working with an Academic Impressions executive coach can help you to “unlock” the key to solving the myriad challenges of working in higher education.
By attending this free webcast, you as a leader will understand how working with an executive coach gives you that “ace in your pocket” to stretch yourself for the career you were meant to have. We’ll highlight the benefits you will realize with a coach, including strategies to align personal aspirations with career goals, and how to capitalize on your strengths.
Who should attend?
You will benefit from this discussion if you’re seeking to learn more about coaching, how it can help you in your career, and how to advocate for an executive coach as part of your journey of professional development. Ideal participants include current or aspiring academic or administrative leaders, including chairs, deans, or those in senior administrative roles.
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