Fundraising Essentials: Perfecting Moves Management


Fundraising Essentials: Perfecting Moves Management


Table of Contents


No matter where you are in your career, chances are you could stand to transition your prospects through the donor cycle more effectively.


Monday, June 6, 2016

1:00 – 2:30 p.m. EDT
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of your donor pipeline
    • Using data to guide strategy
    • Keys to developing appropriate donor strategies
  • Reviewing the solicitation cycle
  • Stewardship and upgrading: Progressing the conversation
    • After the ask
    • Approaching upgrading naturally
    • Appropriate solicitation events
    • Making the upgraded ask
    • Identifying when to transition the prospect out of a major gift portfolio and into the leadership giving portfolio
  • Concluding thoughts, key takeaways, and questions
    • Accountability tools that support your efforts

Why is this event retired?

At AI we want to always ensure that the best and most current trainings are available to members, and we regularly review our trainings to ensure that is the case.