Improve Student Mental Health Services Using Online Tools


Improve Student Mental Health Services Using Online Tools


Table of Contents


Do you need solutions for supporting students with high-quality mental health counseling?


  • Key factors that increase the effectiveness of psychological interventions
    • Effective mental health practices
    • Increasing engagement and improving therapeutic outcomes
    • Establish, share, and measure therapeutic outcomes on an ongoing basis
  • Technological tools that can be used in a campus counseling context
    • Match level of intervention to need
    • Levels of digital services and tools for intervention
      • Apps
      • Online self-help resources
      • Use of tools in confidential and therapeutic way
      • Recommended tools to use to increase client compliance with treatment
    • Low-intensity online therapy
  • TAO Case Study
    • University of Florida integration of online therapeutic tools in TAO
    • Therapist assisted online vs. treatment as usual
  • Next Steps/Final Q&A

Why is this event retired?

At AI we want to always ensure that the best and most current trainings are available to members, and we regularly review our trainings to ensure that is the case.