Inspiring Campaign Branding and Communications: Creating a Unique Campaign Brand


Inspiring Campaign Branding and Communications: Creating a Unique Campaign Brand


Table of Contents


Leverage your campaign communications to engage donors and elevate your brand.


  • Branding 101: Understanding what a brand is
    • Linking your institutional and campaign brand
      • Which comes first?
      • Do people give to an institution or to a campaign?
      • How can a campaign brand resonate with and challenge the institutional brand?
    • Examples of complementary institutional and campaign brands
      • Considerations for comprehensive vs. initiative-based campaigns
  • Auditing existing campaign communications
  • Engaging your donors in creating a compelling campaign brand
    • Inviting donor input throughout the campaign branding process
      • Conducting informative focus groups
    • Identifying spokespeople and ambassadors for your campaign brand
  • Developing your brand strategy
    • Telling the story donors want to hear
  • Getting started: Planning and deploying a brand for your campaign
    • Resourcing a campaign brand
    • Leveraging recognition opportunities

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