Navigating Interdisciplinary Research: A Guide for College and University Administrators
Last updated August 27, 2019Last Updated
August 27, 2019

Navigating Interdisciplinary Research: A Guide for College and University Administrators
Last updated August 27, 2019Table of Contents
In large part because of the funding opportunities it occasions, interdisciplinary research—and finding ways to facilitate more of it –is high on the priority list today for many institutions. But because academe has historically prized discipline-specific research and individual scholarship over collaboration, facilitating more interdisciplinary research opportunities on campus can be challenging.
This report is meant to explore some of these key complications and suggest strategies to help academic leaders and research development professionals navigate these challenges. It will be of most benefit to institutions, centers, or departments that are just getting started in the interdisciplinary research space, and who want to gain a better understanding of the challenges and barriers they are likely to encounter.