Starting a Corporate Alumni Chapter Program


Starting a Corporate Alumni Chapter Program


Table of Contents


Learn how to increase giving, participation, and job placement with key corporate partners.


  • Getting Started: Identifying Top Alumni Employers
    • Mining various data sources
    • Collaborating internally
    • Engaging corporate champions
  • Developing Corporate Alumni Engagement Goals
  • Establishing a Corporate Presence
    • Branding your corporate outreach
    • Developing successful programming and engagement opportunities
      • Networking breakfasts and lunches
    • Developing a corporate solicitation strategy
      • Individual solicitation
      • Foundation involvement
    • Increasing alumni hiring and internship placement
    • Engaging alumni beyond corporate events
  • Key Metrics for Measuring ROI on Corporate Alumni Chapters
    • Alumni participation rate
    • Total dollars raised from alumni
    • Hiring and internship placement
    • Identification of major gift donors
    • Foundation access

Why is this event retired?

At AI we want to always ensure that the best and most current trainings are available to members, and we regularly review our trainings to ensure that is the case.