Growing Women’s Engagement and Philanthropic Interest
Last updated August 9, 2021Course Length
Last Updated
August 9, 2021

Growing Women’s Engagement and Philanthropic Interest
Last updated August 9, 2021Table of Contents
Integrate women-focused strategies into your fundraising efforts.
Over 100 researched data points show gender matters in giving; a key one is that women are now influencing or making over 75% of all household charitable decisions. With women’s education, leadership, and wealth rising, it is natural that they are more actively engaged in philanthropy too.
Are you preparing for this next decade of giving when women will become even more powerful philanthropists in our society? It might be time to join the dramatically increasing number of fundraising teams who understand this demographic shift and are now paying more attention to women.
Join us online to hear success stories from institutions of all sizes that have gained significant results by changing their approach to resonate more deeply with women. Led by expert Kathleen Loehr, author of Gender Matters: A Guide to Growing Women’s Philanthropy, this training will focus on actions you can take to drive your individual and team strategic planning processes to more appropriately – and successfully – engage donors who identify as women. You will walk away with ideas for translating research about women’s philanthropy and your own donor data into practical fundraising behaviors that will help you grow your support of women donors.
Who should attend?
If you and your advancement team—from annual giving to major gifts—engage women donors and alumnae and want to learn how to grow all the ways they can support your institution, this program is for you.
3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Eastern
Our expert instructor will cover the following considerations:
Ground Your Work in Data
Nationally, women give more than men, influence household decisions, and provide sustained support beyond just treasure. Learn how to identify hidden opportunities in your own donor data and how to translate this research into increased philanthropy from your alumnae and constituents.
Ground Your Work in Key Principles
Successful women’s philanthropy initiatives, whether started 25 years ago or last year during COVID, are built on a framework of the following six key principles:
- Women donors present a different fundraising paradigm that requires a pause before a reset.
- Women’s input is key to your success.
- Women bring more than money.
- Leadership involvement is pivotal.
- Starting reveals the path forward.
- The work is evolutionary and profound.
You will hear about different models and the principles that allowed each unique institutional approach to reach their goals faster than expected.
Actions You Can Take
Aligning your fundraising initiatives with how women give doesn’t need to result in a women-only initiative, per se; however, integrating women-focused strategies into your approach will improve your overall fundraising efforts. Learn the early actions you can take to get started to grow women’s philanthropy for your institution.
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