What separates a good leader from a great leader?
What elevates a good leader to a truly great one? In an enterprise like higher education, where all leaders are intelligent, what skills and qualities help make leaders truly effective? The research is clear and compelling: emotional intelligence accounts for more than twice the difference in effective leadership over cognitive abilities.
But what exactly is emotional intelligence, and can it be learned? We invite you to join us for a one-of-a-kind program in higher education - one that will explore the significant dimensions of emotional intelligence, offer proven practices and strategies that will deepen your awareness of self and others, and show you how to use this intelligence to improve your effectiveness as a leader.
Emotional Leaders are:
- More self-confident
- Trustworthy
- Comfortable with ambiguity
- Optimistic and committed
- Better at tapping talent in themselves and their teams
- More effective at leading teams
EQi Assessment
Participants will complete the EQi assessment, a validated tool that assesses leadership across five major dimensions of emotional intelligence. The cost is included in the workshop fee and participants will complete the assessment prior to the workshop.
Who Should Attend
Leaders at all levels benefit from deepening their emotional intelligence. This workshop is designed for those individuals who wish to take a deeper dive into what leadership means to them, as well as what it means to bring your values to work every day, to show up authentically, and to successfully deal with the complex and ambiguous environment that faces us today.
Middle managers will benefit from building the right foundation for leadership, both now and for the future. For senior leaders, emotional intelligence is often the major differentiator of leadership performance (as opposed to technical expertise).
Finally, this program is applicable for both academic leaders as well as non-academic administrators. Our program faculty have decades of expertise in both the academic and administrative enterprises of higher education.
To preserve the intimate nature of this program, we are limiting attendance to the first 40 registrants. Register early and save your spot!
If you have questions about this program or its fit for you, please reach out to Amit Mrig.
Follow Through with Success Coaching
Have you ever gone to a training only to find that you came back with great ideas but don’t have the time, support, or skills needed to make the changes?
Academic Impressions has produced thousands of trainings and we have learned that utilizing a coach after attending a conference helps provide accountability and bridges the training with the on-the-ground work of getting the job done.
As a result, we are now offering success coaching on select conferences.
- Purchase this training + 3 one hour follow up success coaching calls
- Work with an assigned coach who has extensive experience in higher ed.
- Get individualized support to help you follow through on what you’ve learned.
- Workshop your plans, run your ideas by someone and get additional help/practice.
To learn more, contact Patricia Sandler at patricia@academicimpressions.com or purchase the Premium Pass with success coaching below.
Your registration fee includes full access to all conference sessions and materials, breakfast, lunch, and access to the networking reception on Thursday, breakfast and lunch on Friday, as well as refreshments and snacks throughout the conference.
8:00 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.
We’ll discuss the qualities, skills, and behaviors leaders need to develop and how these relate to either emotional or technical intelligence. As part of this session, the facilitators will share an overview of how truly effective leadership is developed.
We’ll unpack the emotional intelligence framework and discuss how it compares and contrasts with other models and theories of leadership. The essential takeaway from this session is a useful framework for understanding your own leadership, including crafting your own personal definition.
During this session, you will receive your personalized EQi assessment; time will be spent to help participants interpret their scores and prioritize the most important and meaningful takeaways.
Self-awareness is the foundation of emotional intelligence. Building off the first-day’s activities and assessments, we’ll help you understand and tap into your: emotional self, meaning-making self, thinking self, physical self, and relational self. We’ll also explore the situations that trigger you and strategies for dealing with these.
Only when you begin to understand yourself can you begin to understand others and how you relate to them. During this hour, we’ll explore critical skills for developing empathy for and awareness of others.
This informal reception is your chance to decompress, have a drink on us, and expand your network of connections. Our programs are intentionally designed for smaller groups, which means you will have the opportunity to meet your peers and our speakers face-to-face.
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
All leaders, no matter how seasoned, are tested and are culpable to certain stresses and triggers. Stress has significant cognitive, physical, emotional, and behavioral effects on a leader. What’s critical is understanding what those situations are, how they affect you, and how you can deal with these more productively.
You can only lead through relationships and in any relationship, conflict is inevitable. In this session, you’ll take an assessment to understand your style of conflict and then learn and practice proven techniques for productively and authentically resolving conflict.
Emotional intelligence leaders are leaders who are both resilient and who prioritize their well-being. We’ll address the different dimensions of resilience including optimism, mindfulness, connection, and gratitude. Most importantly, you will learn specific practices to develop your resilience over time.
Building on your personal definition of leadership, you will develop a personal mission and vision statement, and articulate your personal values. These ideas provide an anchor for leaders and enable authentic actions and decisions across your personal and professional domains.
It’s critical that you leave with a clear and intentional plan for how you want to implement what you’ve learned in these last two days. Individually and with a thought partner, you’ll develop a prioritized and realistic agenda for how you want to shift your leadership practice.

Dr. Mary Spilde
President Emerita, Lane Community College
After 16 years as president of Lane Community College, upon her retirement Mary was named President Emerita. with over 37 years of experience in higher education, she is a nationally respected authority on community colleges, workforce development, leadership and sustainability. Dr. Spilde continues to design and deliver leadership and organizational development programs.

Clint Sidle
Instructor, Cornell University
Clint is also the Immediate Past Director, Roy H. Park Leadership Fellows Program, Johnson Graduate School of Management. He is widely sought as a keynote speaker and consultant in leadership development, executive coaching, and managing strategic change, working with Fortune 500 companies, state and local educational systems, and some of the nation's leading universities and nonprofit organizations.
Questions About the Event?

Amit Mrig
President, Academic Impressions
*All-inclusive members receive $250 off of conference registrations (in addition to the early bird discount if applicable). Academic Affairs, Advancement/Alumni Relations, Business Office, Enrollment Management, Student Affairs, and Leadership members will continue to receive $100 off conference registrations. Upgrade your membership to qualify for a higher discount. Please note this discount is not applicable on pre- or post-conference workshops or conference binders.