Navigating Your Career Journey: A Workshop for Women Leaders in Higher Education

This program is intentionally designed to help you reflect on your strengths through completion of the Five Paths to Leadership℠ Self-Assessment and a 360-degree review with feedback from your network, so that you can discover your authentic leadership style. You will identify the skill sets needed to navigate the current and future higher education landscape, […]

Carnegie Mellon University: Leadership Development Workshop for Chairs and Unit Heads

This customized Chairs Program for Carnegie Mellon University is designed around the following objectives: Workshop dates are July 22, 2024, plus a 1-day session in January 2025 and a 2-day session in Fall 2025. Make sure that you are signed into your Academic Impressions account. Click the Express Register button on the right to view […]

Transformational Gifts: Attaining the Gift of a Lifetime

Transformational gifts are often the result of decades of strategic cultivation and stewardship efforts, culminating in a commitment that positively impacts the institution’s trajectory. However, understanding what motivates and compels donors to make a transformational gift is a key aspect that is missing in many organizations. To advance the vision of your institution, you must […]

Essential Leadership Skills for Deans

Leading as an academic Dean demands a specific and often diverse skillset that requires you to inspire those above, across, and below you in the organizational structure. If that’s not complex enough, you’re doing this work in the context of frequent leadership transitions, evolving student needs, increasing competitive pressures, scarce resources, and the highest levels […]

Managing Difficult Faculty and Staff

Join us for a workshop where you will learn how to intervene with and correct the most problematic performances and behaviors within your team. Within the workshop, you will be introduced to the “EM & EM” model, which includes four increasingly authoritative steps intended to engage, set expectations for behavioral change, communicate consequences for non-compliance, […]

Comprehensive Strategies for Title IX Coordinators: Institute and Certification

The issues facing Title IX Coordinators are continuing to become more complex. Many who are new to the role are struggling to find their footing, and even those with more experience are finding it hard to get accustomed to the continually shifting legal landscape and uncertainty. Additionally, with the recent notification of the new Title […]

High Performing and Inclusive Teams

In the aftermath of the “Great Resignation” maintaining and supporting intact teams has become more difficult than ever before. Furthermore, dwindling budgets and decreased confidence about the viability of campuses of all sizes can make the willingness and ability of campus leaders to continue to motivate and manage teams feel daunting.    This conference is designed […]

Essential Leadership Skills for Department Chairs 

Leading as an academic department chair is difficult under the best of circumstances. You must balance the competing interests of faculty and administration and stretch limited resources, all while maintaining your own scholarship and teaching loads. Add to this the uncertainty and complexity of leading through an ever-changing higher ed landscape, and it becomes clear […]

Developing a Comprehensive Retention Plan 

Join us for this longstanding, must-attend conference to develop a campus-wide retention plan that ties your mission, data, and programming together in a unified approach. Our expert speakers will share their latest insights as we continue to navigate the effects of the pandemic and changing student demographics. Whether you have a retention plan already in […]