Alumni Boards: Strengthen Your Strategy and Grow Engagement

Oakland, CA | June 9, 2025 8:00 am PT - June 10, 2025 3:00 pm PT

Registrant Access Only

This training will not be available asynchronously.

Alumni Boards: Strengthen Your Strategy and Grow Engagement

Oakland, CA | June 9, 2025 8:00 am PT - June 10, 2025 3:00 pm PT

Obtain practical strategies to develop and strengthen engagement of your alumni board.


Supporting your alumni board and providing a meaningful volunteer experience means having a clear direction regarding your board’s structure, culture, and purpose. And getting the board to buy-in to that strategy early on will create a smoother process for all.

Whether you’re building a strategy for a new board or refreshing your approach to board engagement, this two-day in-person conference will provide a comprehensive A-to-Z approach, so that you can design, recruit, and drive engagement with your alumni boards. You will learn how to increase the effectiveness of your alumni board and its member involvement through tips and activities on:

  • Defining your board’s purpose, roles, and strategy.
  • Developing a diverse, equitable, and inclusive board structure and culture.
  • Recruiting and onboarding board members and leaders. 
  • Increasing the effectiveness of your meetings and committees. 
  • Evaluating your board as a whole and holding board members accountable to goals. 

The closing activity is one you can’t miss! It’s designed to bring your whole conference experience together and help you create your very own board strategy roadmap. To best set you up for the conference experience, bring your board’s bylaws, policies, membership rosters and/or other governance documents, and we’ll evaluate and refine them together.

What makes our events different?
Academic Impressions conferences provide the opportunity for quality conversations and relationship-building through both formal and informal networking opportunities in an intimate setting. Our in-depth and hands-on approach to learning provides you with actionable takeaways.

Who should attend?

This conference is carefully designed for institutional representatives and leaders who are charged with increasing board effectiveness. Board leadership may also benefit from the experience to ensure mutually beneficial outcomes with staff who oversee or manage boards. You are highly encouraged to bring teams comprised of both constituents.

The content of this program will be applicable to a variety of boards, including alumni association boards, chapter/regional boards, affinity/shared-interest boards, and other advisory boards.

Attend with your team for a discount!

Multiple members of an advancement team and board leadership attending together will experience the greatest results. Register three or more people and save! 



Day 1 – 8:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. PT (Local time in Oakland)
Day 2 – 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. PT

Meals provided:

  • Day 1: Breakfast, lunch, and networking reception
  • Day 2: Breakfast and lunch

Sessions include:

  • Defining Board Purpose and Roles
  • Setting Board Strategy
  • Developing an Intentional Board Culture
  • Evaluating Board Governance and Operations
  • Identifying, Recruiting, and Developing Your Pipeline of Board Members
  • Onboarding, Educating, and Training New Members
  • Cultivating a Productive Board
  • Conducting Board Assessment
  • Create a Board Strategy Roadmap



The Waterfront Hotel Oakland
10 Washington Street
Oakland, CA 94607

A discounted room rate of $189/night is available. Booking link coming soon!


“This provides everything you need to know about board management- this is board management 101”

“If you are new to working with an Alumni Association Board, you will not want to miss this conference!”

“The facilitators quickly created a comfortable atmosphere where ideas and questions were welcomed. The speakers were well prepared, deeply knowledgeable, and available to engage and discuss outside of the sessions as well. I would recommend this course to any alumni professional looking to make their boards more strategic and effective.”

“Alumni Boards: Strengthen Your Strategy and Grow Engagement was a great investment of time and resources. The structure of the training allowed opportunities to learn from the presenters as well as peers in the industry.”

“I thought this program was thorough, informative, and fun to attend.”