Anna Moro
Anna L. Moro is Associate Professor in the Department of Linguistics and Languages/Cognitive Science of Language program, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, and Director of the McMaster English Language Development program (MELD), at McMaster University, in Hamilton, Canada. The MELD program, launched in 2014, is an intensive and comprehensive bridging/transitional program for international EAP students. The program’s strengths, and its core values, can be summarized as follows: academic literacies, acculturation and accountability. The program uses a structured, embedded mentorship model to pair senior undergraduate students with international EAP students in MELD. The model promotes meaningful engagement between mentors and mentees, which, in turn, mitigates the effects of acculturative stress on international students.
Moro holds a PhD in linguistics, and her research interests include dialectology, contact linguistics, and applied linguistics. She has received recognition for her teaching, and is a past recipient of the President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (McMaster University), and the OCUFA (Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations) Teaching Award.