Charles Johnson
Charles H. Johnson is the founder of Johnson Consulting and a nationally recognized real estate consultant with over 30 years of experience focused on mixed-use, conference centers and hotels, sports, and consulting fields. He has led the work on over 2,000 real estate consulting assignments in the U.S. and abroad, including work for several university clients and government clients.
Charles’ participation in various aspects of real estate development has enabled him to develop an extensive knowledge of the market and demand requirements for appropriate substantiation for funding and operations of a wide array of projects, including a focus in campus-edge developments. This work typically entails determining the most appropriate financing and delivery method that includes public-private-partnership advisory services. His widespread experiences provide him with knowledge of industry best practices as well as case studies to draw from when analyzing projected market performance and holistic returns from developer solicitations for university, government and private market sectors. This has earned him an international reputation among colleges and universities, not-for-profits, associations, government entities, and developers. Charles led all of the work that is included in this response and is currently leading a similar engagement at Central Washington University. He also recently advised Temple University on their downtown campus.