Christian Dupont
Formerly director of special collections at the University of Virginia and Syracuse University, Christian Dupont joined Atlas Systems in 2008 to develop and promote Aeon, an online circulation and request workflow management system for special collections libraries and archives. A former chair of ACRL’s Rare Books and Manuscripts Section, he recently served on a task force to revise ACRL’s Guidelines for Interlibrary and Exhibition Loan of Special Collections Materials and is currently a member of RBMS’s metrics and assessment task force. He is guest editor for the Fall 2012 issue of RBM: A Journal of Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Cultural Heritage, a collection of solicited essays on assessment in special collections and archives. He has also served as the ALA co-chair of the ALA/SAA/AAM Joint Committee on Archives, Libraries, and Museums and the ALA Presidential Task Force on Traditional Cultural Expressions. He has spoken and published widely on a variety of topics relating to library management and the cultural impact of library collecting. Christian earned his MIS degree from Indiana University and a Ph.D. from the University of Notre Dame, where he began his career in special collections as a reference supervisor and curator.