Danielle Page
Danielle Page has served in her role since 2013. Her primary areas of responsibility include the development, implementation, and management of the department’s AVIATE program, which includes the residential curriculum and its alignment with the housing assignments process. In addition to this role, Danielle serves as the adviser for the Department of Housing and Residence Life’s recruitment, training, and selection processes for undergraduate staff, as well as training processes for graduate and professional staff.
Prior to serving in the role as coordinator for co-curricular learning, Danielle was an area coordinator at the University of Dayton and worked in first-year, sophomore, and upper-division areas of residence. She has served as a disciplinary hearing officer, Title IX support person, and dean of students administrator on-call on behalf of the dean of students office. In recent years, Danielle has overseen the formation of Designed Learning Experiences (DLEs) which provides sophomore students the opportunity to select into themed living communities that can connect their co-curricular experience to their honors program, substance-free living, and/or servant leadership experience. Before joining the University of Dayton in 2011, Danielle served for two years as a residence coordinator at the University of North Carolina Wilmington.