Picture of Dave Steadman

Dave Steadman

Dave joined the Alumni & Development Office at St. Albans School in Washington, DC, in 2010. As Executive Director, he sets the strategy and manages the operations for the School’s Annual Giving (AG) and Alumni Relations programs. Working with a team of talented development professionals and volunteers, Dave’s work focuses on two primary objectives: sustainably growing the School’s $2.3+ million AG effort, and supporting new and existing programs to encourage active alumni involvement in the life of the School.

Prior to St. Albans, he worked in the Communications & Development Office at Hamilton College (his alma mater), managing the regional event and senior gift programs before going on to serve as the College’s first Director of Young Alumni Giving. The young alumni position provided an opportunity to experiment with a variety of strategies to increase the engagement and generosity of recent graduates, the results of which increased the philanthropic support of recent graduates by nearly 20% over 3 years. In addition to his work at St. Albans, Dave frequently presents at professional development conferences. He received a B.A. in Music and English from Hamilton College.