Erika S. Veth
Associate VP of Strategic Enrollment Management & Dean of Online Education, Oregon Tech
Erika Veth has ten years of experience working in higher education in both faculty and administrator roles, primarily in the field of online education. Veth currently oversees Admissions, Financial Aid, Retention, Educational Partnerships, and Online Education at Oregon Tech, a public polytechnic university. Her experience in the field of distance education includes teaching online and hybrid courses at the University of Alaska Anchorage and working as an Online Support Services Manager. Veth is currently teaching an online graduate course at Oregon Tech and is wrapping up the dissertation phase of her Doctorate in Education in Higher Education Leadership and Management at Capella University. Strategic planning for online growth, in alignment with Veth’s doctoral dissertation (Marketing and Recruitment for Online Program Enrollment Growth at Small Public Universities), has proven fruitful as fully online program enrollment has more than doubled during her time as leader of the online campus. Veth has also worked to improve Oregon Tech Online’s services, including the development of a Faculty Recording Studio, professional advising, use of telepresence robots to increase accessibility for students who are place-bound and desiring synchronous course access, and initiating a plan for digital badging and micro-credentialing.