Ethel Swartley
Ethel coordinates academic orientations for the Daniels College of Business and University College in addition to teaching academic English classes to undergraduate and graduate students who have just begun their academic studies. She has 25 years of teaching experience, including as a private language trainer and as curriculum coordinator at a South Korean language institute. She also spent 10 years managing a business English program for professionals from all over the world and has had the opportunity to teach business communication, train teachers, and lead cultural learning projects in places like Algeria, Burkina Faso, Curacao, Indonesia, Jordan, Senegal, Togo, and Turkey. With a background in writing and sociology, Ethel approaches teaching and the rest of life from an ethnographic point of view. She enjoys learning about the geographic and ethnic cultures represented in her classes, as well as the academic, political, and corporate cultures where her students work. By learning about these cultures, Ethel helps students focus on and apply effective communication strategies to succeed in their degree programs and the workplace.