Gary Meyer
Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, Marquette University
Dr. Gary Meyer is communication professor and senior vice provost for faculty affairs at Marquette University. In this role, he helps prepare faculty for a meaningful and successful career at Marquette University across the many roles they will take on as teachers, scholars, and university leaders. Among his responsibilities, Dr. Meyer oversees new faculty orientation as well as the broader first-year faculty experience, faculty mentoring, faculty leadership development, and the promotion and tenure system on campus. Dr. Meyer works closely with the Center for Teaching and Learning, which serves as a catalyst for promoting a culture of pedagogical excellence on campus. In addition to his responsibilities for faculty affairs, Dr. Meyer serves as Marquette’s accreditation liaison officer to the Higher Learning Commission. Dr. Meyer previously served Marquette as vice provost for academic affairs for five years, and prior to that was associate dean in the Diederich College of Communication and director of the corporate communication major.