Jeremy Podany
Jeremy serves as the Executive Director of Career and Corporate Services, overseeing The Career Center and Ascend at Colorado State University. He provides strategic direction to all facets of student career education, employer connections, and corporate education and services. Jeremy is also the co-inventor of two technologies started at Colorado State that are now being used at multiple universities around the nation: The Fairs App and Career Tools.
Prior to coming to Colorado State in 2012, Jeremy spent 11 years in Career Services at Indiana University where he was The Director of Career Services at the School of Informatics and Computing for 6 of those years. Jeremy has spent time with nearly 1000 companies, has trained hundreds of organizations, leaders, and students and is passionate about building partnerships with industry.
Jeremy received his Bachelors degree in Education from Western Michigan University, and his Masters in Higher Education Administration from Indiana University. Outside of work, he enjoys walking and laughing with his wife and four children, is an avid college basketball fan, and loves trying new restaurants.