Joel McGee, Ph.D.
Joel has worked for over 20 years in academic support and student success at Texas A&M. He was the Director of the Student Learning Center until 2012 when the Academic Success Center was created to provide a comprehensive student success unit and a collaboration between academic and student affairs. Joel has worked extensively with Academic Coaching, Supplemental Instruction, tutoring, and development of instructional programs. In addition to coordinating these programs, Dr. McGee has been actively involved in program assessment and reporting. Joel has presented at numerous conferences including the International Conference on Supplemental Instruction, NCLCA, NADE, and AAC&U. He also worked as an outside evaluator on an NSF grant for Texas State University from 2011-2013.
The Academic Success Center at Texas A&M is a model success center integrating numerous academic support programs under one unit. Under the leadership of Dr. McGee, the Texas A&M Academic Success Center recently received the Learning Center of Excellence designation from the National College Learning Center Association and was one of only two programs to receive this honor.