Laurence N. Smith
Laurence N. Smith is a founder and Senior Partner of New Campus Dynamics with 40 years experience as a senior university administrator and as a national leader in higher education. He is emeritus Vice President for University Marketing and Student Affairs at Eastern Michigan University and holds an honorary doctorate from that institution. He has been a leader in the innovation of effective enrollment management practices since the 1970’s. Among his extensive activities, he was founder and chair of the NASPA National Academy for Leadership and Executive Effectiveness and executive editor of NASPA’s on-line management magazine. He has also been on the national faculties of College Board, ACT and Noel/Levitz.
Mr. Smith has achieved national recognition as a pioneer in marketing of non-profit and service institutions and organizations as well as for his work in executive development. He was an early leader in whole system change and transformational management for mobilizing institutions, communities and organizations for revitalization and renewal. He has written numerous articles, manuals and books. He is author of the chapter “The Student Affairs Innovation Imperative” in the book, The Effective Senior Student Affairs Officer (NASPA, 2011). He is lead author of Mobilizing the Campus for Retention: An Innovative Quality of Work Life Model (ACT, 1981) and several Guides to Student Success (Harcourt 1997, 1996, and Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1989, 1987). He is co-author of the chapter “Building Support for a Campus-wide Retention Program” in Increasing Student Retention (Jossey-Bass, 1985).