Picture of Laurie Dodge

Laurie Dodge

Dr. Dodge oversees program outcomes assessment, program review, curriculum processes, and the academic catalog. She serves as Brandman University’s WASC accreditation liaison officer and is a member of the WASC Substantive Change Committee. She was appointed for a three-year term to the WASC Interim Report Committee from 2010-2013 and was a member of the WASC Changing Ecology of Higher Education Task Force 2011-2013. Dr. Dodge is a graduate of the inaugural WASC Assessment Leadership Academy and is a key presenter for the academy and for WASC workshops on assessment, Lumina Degree Qualifications Profile, and competency-based education.

Laurie was previously a professor in psychology teaching research, statistics, the senior capstone, and pediatric neuropsychology at Brandman. Over the last twenty years at the university, she has also served as interim co-vice chancellor of academic affairs, interim dean of arts and science, and department chair of psychology.