Laurie Dodge
Dr. Dodge oversees program outcomes assessment, program review, curriculum processes, and the academic catalog. She serves as Brandman University’s WASC accreditation liaison officer and is a member of the WASC Substantive Change Committee. She was appointed for a three-year term to the WASC Interim Report Committee from 2010-2013 and was a member of the WASC Changing Ecology of Higher Education Task Force 2011-2013. Dr. Dodge is a graduate of the inaugural WASC Assessment Leadership Academy and is a key presenter for the academy and for WASC workshops on assessment, Lumina Degree Qualifications Profile, and competency-based education.
Laurie was previously a professor in psychology teaching research, statistics, the senior capstone, and pediatric neuropsychology at Brandman. Over the last twenty years at the university, she has also served as interim co-vice chancellor of academic affairs, interim dean of arts and science, and department chair of psychology.