Lisa Gentile
With a background in STEM and a passion for the liberal arts, Dr. Gentile has spent her time in higher education concentrating on the design of exceptional student-centered experiences. As the dean of arts and sciences at Westminster College, much of her recent attention has been focused on ways to support faculty and students involved in low-residency CBE programs.
On the student front, these efforts include the design of multiple overlapping pathways for CBE degree completion, including prior learning assessment, advanced tracks for students having completed particular certificate programs, online pre-requisites, and a low-residency CBE liberal education core. On the faculty front, her focus has been on educating the broader faculty community, providing coaches and internal grants to design low-residency CBE courses, and providing the time for design and implementation of a graduate CBE program in communication. Dr. Gentile’s talk will discuss how aligning opportunities provided by a new strategic plan and a new liberal education core have allowed for development of a CBE liberal education option at Westminster College.