Lori Croy
Since 1996, Lori Croy has been a strong and pioneering advocate of the Web in higher education. Her vision has guided MU’s Website from a small, underfunded endeavor to a major presence central to the recruitment, communication, and marketing efforts of the university. Lori manages a complex environment of multiple subsites, contributors and developers. A key part of her work is building collaborative relationships to provide a consistent, standards-compliant, user-centered experience. She has successfully managed the implementation of a content management system for a largely decentralized environment. In addition, Croy has launched Mizzou Wire, an online news and feature magazine; developed Mizzou’s first comprehensive fundraising campaign on the Web; supported @Mizzou, the university’s CASE gold-award-winning e-newsletter; and has led the campus in the use of social media. Lori is a frequent conference speaker, at events like the CASE Summer Institute for Communications and Marketing. She brings a wealth of hands-on experience, clear thinking, communication prowess, and a highly necessary and unfailing sense of humor.