Marvin Smith
Marvin Smith has over twenty-five years of professional financial aid administration experience at a variety of institution types. Marvin also has extensive experience at Purdue University-West Lafayette, Indiana’s traditional land-grant flagship campus, as well as Ivy Tech Community College-Lafayette, part of Indiana’s community college system.
Marvin is a frequent presenter regarding financial aid customer service and communications at national and regional conferences, including the College Board’s national forum and the ACT Midwest Conference. He also presents at national, midwest, and state financial aid association conferences (NASFAA, MASFAA, ISFAA). Marvin has authored financial aid articles for the Chronicle of Higher Education, NASFAA, and the NASFAA Journal of Student Financial Aid. He is the recipient of numerous professional awards including the ISFAA Distinguished Service Award, MASFAA Leadership Award, and NASFAA Regional Leadership Award.