Michael C. Kelly, Ph.D., PMP
Chief Data Officer and Executive Director for Teaching and Learning Technologies, University of South Carolina; Founder and Co-Chair, Higher Education Chief Data Officers
Mike provides leadership in governing the University of South Carolina’s data and information assets, ensuring the availability and accuracy of data for making decisions that advance the strategic priorities of the university’s eight campuses and Palmetto College. He works with senior leaders and functional managers to develop a sustainable data governance framework comprised of data stewardship, data standards, data quality & integrity, and business intelligence. Mike also leads USC’s teaching and learning technologies for the Division of IT.
Prior to becoming USC’s first CDO in January 2014, Mike directed technology operations in the university’s undergraduate admissions office and served as a project manager for USC’s information technology division, leading initiatives in student affairs and academic affairs. He began his career in TRiO programs, using information technology to prepare low income, potential first-generation college students for academic success. He holds a PhD in Higher Education Administration and an MEd in Student Personnel Services. He enjoys speaking engagements and does individual consulting with institutions interested in data governance and the CDO role, in particular.