Dr. Nimisha Barton
Visiting Researcher at UC Irvine and an Equity and Inclusion Consultant in higher education
Nimisha is a Visiting Researcher at UC Irvine and an Equity and Inclusion Consultant in higher education. Drawing on a decade of experience as a college educator, university administrator, and DEI practitioner, she works closely with organizational leaders to develop anti-bias programs, trainings, and curricula for adult audiences.
Nimisha is also the author of several award-winning books, edited volumes, and articles. Her most recent book is entitled A Just Future: Getting from Diversity and Inclusion to Equity and Justice in Higher Education and is forthcoming from Cornell University Press in fall 2023. In 2022, she received the prestigious Tyler Stovall Mission Prize in recognition of her contributions to DEI in the historical profession, as well as, more broadly, in the field of higher education.