Paul Reeder
As a key figure in the Office of Research and Industry Liaison Office (ILO), Paul works closely with his ILO colleagues, Office of Research leaders, college deans, and internal partners involved in business collaboration to assemble, expand, and improve accessibility of core university capability in support of external engagement. Paul’s mission is to partner with these key university stakeholders to establish a unified, overarching industrial collaboration strategy that assures that engagements are of optimal relevancy for the industrial partner concurrent with maximizing value creation for OSU, in large part by considering the entire spectrum of value generating outcomes for both parties. In addition, Paul is responsible for codifying processes, procedures, templates, and training modules for partner vetting, relationship cultivation, and opportunity framing; and establishing an associated knowledge repository of external collaboration best practices.
Before joining Ohio State in 2012, Paul founded Design Axis, a consulting firm specializing in product development and strategic innovation. Previously, he was the Vice President of Business Development at the Ellies Design Group and a hardware designer with Hewlett Packard. In 1994, Paul formed Zura Sports, a manufacturer of consumer products. Paul’s experience across diversified areas of innovation and product development has provided him with a unique perspective of the business world, which drive his goal to extend the reach of innovation from user centric design to the creation of compelling business models.