Shana Weber
Dr. Weber directs the Office of Sustainability and is periodic lecturer in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Princeton University. She has coordinated university efforts in comprehensive campus-based sustainability study and implementation since 2006. Shana has conducted research on the intersection of climate change impacts and land use history, population biology of culturally-significant wetland vegetation, and climate-change driven population dynamics of high-altitude small mammals.
Prior to joining Princeton University, Shana was a founding director and faculty member for the Santa Clara University Environmental Studies Institute, and producer for a nationally-syndicated environmental radio talk show. She serves as co-chair of the Princeton Sustainability Committee, on the executive committee for NJHEPS, and on the steering committees for the NE Campus Sustainability Consortium and Ivy+ Sustainability Group. Shana received her B.S. in zoology from the Ohio State University, and MSES and her Ph.D. from the Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Bloomington.