Stephanie Rankin
Stephanie and colleagues developed and launched the CSS in 2003 as a comprehensive academic support services resource for faculty, staff, and students. Academic Advising, Career Services, Counseling Services, Disability Services, and Learning Services comprise the CSS. Stephanie is a member of the college’s Enrollment Management and Retention Committees and chairs the Campus Wellness Network (CWN). The CWN’s members include faculty and staff who meet on a regular basis and determine interventions for students at risk. She also teaches and advises in the college’s First Year Seminar (FYS) program, specifically developing an intensive advising seminar program in conjunction with the assistant director of academic advising. She provides annual training for FYS faculty focusing on developmental advising issues and fostering advising relationships. In 2007, she was recognized as an Outstanding First-Year Student Advocate national semifinalist by the National Resource Center for The First Year Experience and Students in Transition. Stephanie coordinates the fall and spring Early Warning Program (EWP) and academic probation student support programming. Prior to joining Elizabethtown College in 2001, Stephanie was an academic advisor at the University of South Dakota’s Academic Advising and Testing Center (1993-99). She and colleague Lucky Huber piloted the initial Freshman Seminar Program.