Steven Olswang
As provost, Dr. Olswang is responsible for all academic programs of the university, which operates in thirty-one locations in ten countries, and focuses on serving adult learners in education, management, and technology. Previously, he served in several leadership capacities at the University of Washington, including: interim chancellor at UW, Bothell; interim chancellor at UW, Tacoma; and vice provost (responsible for academic human resources) and vice provost for international education for all UW campuses.
Dr. Olswang is professor emeritus of educational leadership and policy studies. He has published over fifty articles, monographs, and chapters on legal and international issues in higher education and is a fellow of the National Association of College and University Attorneys. In 1994, Dr. Olswang was a visiting professor at the University of Cambridge and the University of Reading (U.K.) as a J. William Fulbright Academic Administrative Fellow, and in 2006 served on the Fulbright Visiting Assessment Group to Germany.