Sue Doe
Professor Doe teaches courses in composition, autoethnographic theory and method, research methods, and graduate student preparation for writing in the disciplines. She does research in three distinct areas: academic labor, writing across the curriculum, and student-veteran writing in the post-9/11 era. Co-author of the faculty development book Concepts and Choices: Meeting the Challenges in Higher Education, she has published articles in College English, College Composition and Communication, and Writing Program Administration as well as several book-length collections. Her forthcoming collection on student-veterans in the composition classroom, Generation Vet: Composition, Veterans, and the Post-911 University, co-authored with Professor Lisa Langstraat, is under contract with the Utah State Press. Sue’s most recent research into faculty development revolves around academic labor issues, examining through narrative inquiry the ways in which non-tenure-track faculty describe and analyze their experiences in the professional setting.