Tuition: raise it, lower it, or stay the course?
Join us for a webcast that will help you navigate the intricacies of tuition setting in today’s unpredictable market. Those who are looking to educate their board and institutional stakeholders further on this topic, or who are in the midst of considering a tuition adjustment, will benefit from this webcast. We will help you answer following difficult questions:
- What are the tuition pricing models and strategies available to me? What are the risks and implications associated with each?
- How can I avoid a “one size fits all” approach and plan for the fact that a tuition adjustment will impact various student segments differently?
- How can I educate/work with the board and other important stakeholders to make them effective partners?
Who Should Attend
This webcast will be of greatest benefit to both presidents and leadership from enrollment management, finance, business, financial aid, and marketing. Public and private institutions alike will benefit from this conversation.
Other institutions have also used this webcast as:
- A tool to educate the board and/or other internal stakeholders about the realities and risks of tuition setting options as they relate to the broader marketplace;
- A conversation starter between the enrollment and finance sides of the house to promote a stronger partnership and alignment when it comes to tuition setting and net tuition revenue.
CPE Credits
Recommended CPE Credits: 1.0
Program Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge and Applications
Delivery Method: Group-Internet
Prerequisites: none
Program Level: Basic
Academic Impressions is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be addressed to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, 150 Fourth Avenue North, Suite 700, Nashville, TN, 37219-2417. Website:
We will address the following three key points and highlight each with institutional examples:
- Risks and implications of different tuition pricing models
What are the options available for adjusting tuition? What are the risks and implications associated with each option that should be considered up front?
- Anticipating the impact of your tuition decision on various student segments
What data can be used to predict what the impact of a tuition adjustment on different student segments? (i.e. In-state vs. out-of-state, new vs. current students, students with different levels of financial need, etc.)
- Educating your board and other internal stakeholders
How can you educate the board and other internal stakeholders to help them better understand the relationship between tuition and net tuition revenue?

Lucie Lapovsky
Lapovsky Consulting
Lucie Lapovsky is an economist who consults, writes, and speaks widely on issues related to higher education finance, strategy, governance, and enrollment management. She specializes in searches for chief financial officers and also writes and speaks on issues related to women’s leadership. Her clients include public/private colleges and universities throughout the US, and various organizations throughout the world. She is actively engaged in research on tuition discounting and cost containment in higher education.
She served as president of Mercy College and has almost thirty years of experience in higher education finance in both the public and private academic sectors. She has also previously served as vice president for finance at Goucher College and worked at the University of Maryland at College Park, the Maryland Higher Education Commission, and the Maryland State Department of Budget and Fiscal Planning.
She is the co‐editor of three books: Strategic Financial Challenges for Higher Education: How to Achieve Quality, Accountability and Innovation; Roles and Responsibilities of Chief Financial Officers; and The White House Project Report: Benchmarking Women’s Leadership.
Questions About the Event?
Sarah Seigle Peatman
Program Manager, Academic Impressions