Discussions around generational differences can too often feel more focused on competition than collaboration. However, despite their differing cultures and points of view, each generation offers its own unique benefits to society, and it is more vital than ever that those of different generations today find common ground.
For the first time in history, there are five generations in the workplace. While it is easy to gripe and complain about generational differences (“Ugh, Millennials.” “I don’t know how Gen Z-ers get by.” “That’s such a Boomer thing to say.”), these kinds of stereotypes overlook the gifts and benefits that each generation brings. They can also lead to age discrimination that is both unproductive and damaging to inclusive environments and collaboration.
Join us for a three-part webinar series to gain an objective overview of the differences and similarities that exist across generations. You’ll learn practical strategies for working more effectively with individuals in a variety of contexts.
How it Works
This webinar series consists of three separate trainings, each 60 minutes apiece:
- The first, “World War Z? The Impact of Multiple Generations on Campus,” will take place on August 15, 2023 and will provide a general overview of the generations currently in the workforce: Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Xennials, Millennials, and Generation Z.
- The second, “Have It Your Way (Or Not): Customer Service Across Generations,” will take place on September 11, 2023 and will highlight the differences in customer service expectations based on generation.
- The third, “Supervising Multigenerational Teams: Building Understanding to Support Success,” will take place on October 18, 2023. Here, we will explore ways to motivate and communicate across generations on your team.
You may choose to attend one or all of these sessions live or to view the on-demand recordings. Each session is designed to offer practical information to support the ongoing development of faculty and staff working in intergenerational environments.
Members: Login to access all of these trainings for free!
World War Z? The Impact of Multiple Generations on Campus
Learn more about each generation and the impact their work styles are having on higher education.
Who Should Attend
This first program is ideal for all faculty and staff who work on teams that are multigenerational and work with students.
Have It Your Way (or Not): Customer Service Across Generations
Provide better customer service that meets expectations across generations.
Who Should Attend
This program is ideal for any staff and faculty who work with multigenerational colleagues and/or students.
Supervising Multigenerational Teams: Building Understanding to Support Success
Build a productive multigenerational team by recognizing and appreciating your team members’ unique preferences and work styles.
Who Should Attend
This program is ideal for anyone who currently supervises or aspires to supervise a multigenerational team in higher education.

Heath Boice-Pardee
Head of Practice in Service Excellence, Academic Impressions
Dr. Heath Boice-Pardee worked as an administrator in higher education for 30 years in a variety of roles including Assistant Dean at Rutgers University, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Interim Senior Vice President for Student Affairs at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). Additionally, he teaches in the School for Individualized Studies at RIT and developed a higher education administration Master’s concentration in service excellence and the student experience. Given his passion for the topic, he joined Academic Impressions as their first Head of Practice for Service Excellence in higher education in 2023.

Amy Giordano
Senior Learning & Development Manager
Amy is a Senior Learning & Development Manager for our leadership focused programming and joined AI in 2022. With over twenty-years of experience in higher education administration, Amy was in the role of Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Services at Owens Community College in Toledo, Ohio immediately prior to joining our team. With experience leading areas such as athletics, records and registration, service-learning, enrollment management, veteran services, and one-stop service areas her focus has been on developing processes that foster student success and completion while developing staff members.

Sandra Miles, PhD
Head of Practice for Diversity/Equity/Inclusion, Academic Impressions
Sandra has spent most of the last two decades serving as a leader and administrator in higher education. Specifically, she has had extensive experience in managing crisis, strategic planning, developing leadership programs, working with persons with disabilities, mediating disputes, and serving as a Dean of Students, Chief Student Affairs Officer, Chief Diversity Officer, and Deputy Title IX Coordinator. In 2022, Sandra joined Academic Impressions full-time as the Head of Practice for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, due to her experience with the organization as a subject-matter expert who facilitated trainings and workshops in higher-ed, as well as to her passion for making DEI concepts resonate for individuals from all walks of life.
Questions About the Event?

Sandra Miles
Head of Practice for Diversity/Equity/Inclusion,
Academic Impressions