A Practical Approach to Fundraising Ethics

Last updated December 12, 2014

Course Length

1h 37m

Last Updated

December 12, 2014

A Practical Approach to Fundraising Ethics

Last updated December 12, 2014

Table of Contents


A single misunderstanding of donor intent, negative family interaction, or defect in a gift agreement can open up your institution to intense negative publicity, decreased giving rates, and possible legal liability. Considering these realities and the recent increased emphasis on ethics by fundraising certification organizations, now is the time to ensure your internal policies and external interactions are executed with the most robust levels of professionalism.

Using complex case studies, this polling-intensive archived webcast will ask you to consider difficult decisions, any of which may impact your future work in positive or negative ways.

Additional Resources

In addition to the insights drawn from our interactive scenarios, included with your purchase is a document containing best-practice sample policy language to integrate into your shop processes. You will also receive a list of follow-up discussion questions to keep the conversation alive at your institution.

Who should attend?

All stakeholders responsible for soliciting gifts – major gift officers, annual fund leadership giving officers, academic leaders, board members, and volunteers – will leave with new insights for approaching tough ethical dilemmas.


  • Understanding the backdrop
    • External standards
    • Recommended internal policy language
  • Avoiding ethical misconduct at five key points
    • Conflicts of interest
    • Donor manipulation
      • Donor to gift officer
      • Gift officer to donor
    • Donor gift control
    • Information confidentiality and privacy
    • Use of donated funds
  • When things go wrong
    • Reporting up the ladder internally
    • Approaching donors