Two Webcasts to Help Introduce or Improve Your Case Management Model


Two Webcasts to Help Introduce or Improve Your Case Management Model


Table of Contents


This unique two-part webcast focuses on how to create a position, or enhance the program you have in place, to provide better guidance and support for students on your campus who are have mental health concerns. Whether you are hiring a case manager, new to hiring one, or have found that your current strategy needs to be redeveloped, these webcasts will provide the tools and strategies to improve or refine your efforts. The speaker for both of these trainings is Ben Falter, Senior Student Affairs Case Manager at San Jose State University. He has longstanding and grounded experience with Higher Education Case Management Association (HECMA) and has professional expertise in strategically defining and marketing the role of a case manager, as well as serving as a catalyst for change as the case manager role evolves. Depending on where you are in the case manager role development, you may choose to register to both webcasts or just one.

Why is this event retired?

At AI we want to always ensure that the best and most current trainings are available to members, and we regularly review our trainings to ensure that is the case.