Develop a Questioning Plan for Your Title IX Investigations
Last updated February 19, 2021Course Length
1h 53m
Last Updated
February 19, 2021

Develop a Questioning Plan for Your Title IX Investigations
Last updated February 19, 2021Table of Contents
Maintain control of Title IX investigations by developing a well-informed questioning plan.
Title IX Investigators play a critical role in gathering as many relevant facts as they can through witness testimony and evidence. However, this process can be hindered when investigators neglect to understand that a knowledge and understanding of their institution’s sexual harassment policy should always drive the investigation and their line of questioning. Further, many investigators may only be asking surface-level questions because they unintentionally created a questioning plan that is not based upon their institution’s policy.
Join us online to learn how to create a questioning plan before the interview begins that will ensure you are conducting a well-informed and policy-driven investigation. We will:
- Discuss how your institution’s sexual harassment policy definitions impact factual requirements and how you should approach gathering information that is relevant to the case.
- Demonstrate a technique you can use during your investigations to ensure you’re asking the right witness the right questions at the right time.
- Practice this technique during our session and have the opportunity to receive feedback.
After attending this workshop, you’ll walk away with the tools you need during a Title IX investigation to help you stay on task and maintain control of the information you gather from witnesses.
Who should attend?
Designated Title IX Investigators who are new to investigations will benefit most from this training. Seasoned Title IX investigators and seasoned investigators who are new to Title IX may also benefit from the new ideas and best practices this training provides.
1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Eastern
Section 1: Review of a Policy-Informed Investigation & Understanding Relevance
Our expert faculty will help you understand the value and importance of interpreting your sexual harassment policy definitions and factual requirements that are specific to your campus. You will also review the importance of the term “relevance”, introduced in the May 2020 Final Regulations, that is by design linked to the elements of your policy definitions.
Section 2: Policy Grid Demo
Now that you understand the theory behind developing a well-informed questioning plan, our expert faculty will walk you through a demonstration of assembling a “policy grid,” with one of the more common sexual harassment policy definitions. You will have the opportunity to ask questions regarding this approach during the live demonstration.
Section 3: Developing Your Own Questioning Plan
One of the best ways to understand and apply this new strategy into your current investigation process is to give you the opportunity to practice assembling your own policy grid. You will also have a chance to collect feedback and refine your approach to build your understanding of this best practice.
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Bev Baligad, J.D.
Director of Compliance/Title IX Coordinator, University of Hawaii – West O’ahu