From Surviving to Thriving: How Provosts and other Academic Leaders Can Best Use Data to Drive Enrollment Growth and Financial Sustainability
Last updated June 24, 2024Course Length
Last Updated
June 24, 2024

From Surviving to Thriving: How Provosts and other Academic Leaders Can Best Use Data to Drive Enrollment Growth and Financial Sustainability
Last updated June 24, 2024Table of Contents
Learn how UQ Solutions can revolutionize your institution's approach to using data to optimize program portfolios for enrollment growth and financial sustainability.
Academic leaders today are facing some tough decisions:
- In which programs should we be adding or investing more?
- Should we sunset some of our existing programs?
- How can we make hiring and tenure decisions that align with market demand?
- How does our institution’s academic portfolio stack up against peers and competitors?
While it is commonly said that these challenges require data-driven decision making, what does that actually mean? And in a world where we are drowning in data, which are the right data points to track? Just as importantly, what are the right questions to ask that should guide those metrics?
In this free webcast, join a conversation between UQ Solutions and the Provost at Carroll University, who have designed a blueprint for using data to optimize program portfolios for enrollment growth and financial sustainability. In this session, you will learn:
- Which key metrics to track .
- How to use these metrics to make decisions.
- Tools and best practices in setting up a data-driven decision framework.
- Tips for how to explain and convey those decisions with confidence.
Who should attend?
Provosts, Chief Financial Officers, Associate Provosts, Deans, Assistant Deans, and anyone responsible for making decisions about an institution’s academic portfolio. When challenged to make decisions on the academic offerings be assured to be working from the most up to date approaches is a necessity.
1. Introductions and Context
We’ll start by introducing our speakers and providing some background on their situations. We’ll explore how their experience aligns with common trends that we are seeing across all of higher ed.
2. What does it mean to be ‘Data-Driven?’
From here, we’ll explore why it matters now more than ever to be tracking the right data points about your institution’s academic program performance. We’ll also discuss key questions that should be guiding your approach to managing your academic program portfolio.
3. The Key Metrics to Track
We’ll explore the key metrics you should be tracking to answer those key questions.
4. Examples and Inspiration
Mark Blegen, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at Carroll, will share more about their experience and how it can apply to your situation.
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