Learn how to incorporate your individual strengths in your everyday work.
Taking the StrengthsFinder assessment to uncover your top 5 strengths is the first step toward fully leveraging your gifts and talents. The real challenge is figuring out how to ensure your day-to-day tasks and responsibilities capitalize on those strengths. Doing so can make you more effective and more satisfied with your work.
In our first session, we will focus on your individual strengths. How can you make small adjustments to ensure that you are taking full advantage of your strengths on a day to day basis? We will work to map your strengths to where you draw energy at work to help you work in that space more regularly. You will leave with a deeper understanding of the “why” behind your job satisfaction and your contributions.
In our second session we will focus on your teams’ strengths. Truly effective teams tap all leadership domains, and you’ll learn how you can build a composite view of your team’s strengths and blind spots. We’ll talk through ways to use this information to play to the team’s strengths and manage weaknesses.
Take the StrengthsFinder Assessment
To gain the most from this webcast, complete the StrengthsFinder assessment prior to participating. Educators can purchase this assessment for $11.99 with a qualified educator email address.
Who Should Attend
We encourage all higher education professionals, whether in a formal leadership position or not, to attend this webcast. Playing to your strengths is a powerful way to increase personal effectiveness and satisfaction derived from one’s work.
Session 1: Leveraging Your Individual Strengths
Leveraging your individual strengths not only makes you more efficient at work, but it can also make you happier. During this first session we will focus on where you draw energy at work and give tips for how to operate in this space more regularly.
- How can a strengths-based approach help you in your work?
- What do your strengths really mean?
- How do your strengths help you in your role?
- How do your strengths link to your success?
Session 2: Leveraging the Strengths of Your Team
The most effective teams tap all four leadership domains. In this second session we will help you create a strengths composite for your team to help you understand where your possible blind spots are and be more effective.
- The four domains of leadership
- What your strengths say about your domains of leadership
- What your team’s domains of leadership say about your ability to accomplish goals

Therese Lask,
Training and Organizational Development Specialist
Colorado State University
Questions About the Event?
Amit Mrig
President and CEO, Academic Impressions