Gain new ideas and tactics for keeping admitted students engaged through to matriculation.
Yield rates are steadily decreasing across the country: fewer students are submitting applications to more institutions than ever before, making it more difficult to predict which admitted students will actually matriculate. Falling behind yield targets can have severe implications for meeting your enrollment goals and, consequently, on the net tuition revenue of the institution.
As this trend continues to prevail, institutions are putting an increased focus on strengthening yield strategies to effectively move students through the enrollment funnel and meet admissions goals. Enrollment and admissions teams must think outside the box to find new ways to engage prospective students using a blend of events, communications, and strategies.
Join us for this interactive and hands-on course to learn how to improve and operationalize your institution’s yield strategy through a number of strategic and tactical touchpoints:
- Map out enrollment goals and identify how yield fits into your institution's bigger picture
- Use data and lead scoring to inform yield tactics
- Strategize how to educate and mobilize campus partners
- Explore specific tactics to boost your yield rate (e.g., video, social media, texting, email, personalization, etc.)
You will return to your campus with new ideas, as well as a list of stakeholders to connect with and engage in order to steward more students towards matriculation.
Who Should Attend
This program is designed for those professionals working within admissions and enrollment marketing who want to elevate their institution’s yield strategy through a blend of strategic and tactical considerations.
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Your registration for the event includes full access to all conference sessions and materials, the networking reception on Tuesday, breakfast and lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday, as well as refreshments and snacks throughout the conference.
March 26, 2019
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Yield is greatly impacted by actions at earlier stages of the enrollment funnel. During our opening session, we will explore how yield strategy fits into your overall enrollment plans and your role in driving the culture shift to get your institution to pay more attention to this area.
Every institution has unique needs around yield strategy based upon their institution type and student population. This session will provide an overview of common stop-out points and the various hurdles students face throughout the admissions process. We will also discuss how needs differ depending upon student profile and other important components.
Challenges with or a lack of understanding of yield strategy arise when an institution does not start with the overarching enrollment planning picture or understand what is causing yield issues at their specific institution. Yield rates should not be examined in a vacuum as these metrics are linked to everything that underpins them from an overarching goals and enrollment planning standpoint. During this working session, you will map out the overarching enrollment goals for your institution by identifying how yield fits into this bigger picture, the populations you are trying to yield, and where your yield challenges are.
Your yield strategy should be intentional and data-informed. During this session, our expert facilitator will explore how lead scoring works and share examples of how institutions are using it effectively. We will also discuss how you can leverage the data you have to build a strategy that incorporates specific yield tactics.
March 27, 2019
8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
The productivity of admissions counselors is vital to an institution’s ability to execute their yield strategies, so enrollment and admissions leaders must start to shift the culture around goals and measurement for the counselors. We will discuss how to set goals for counselors that are both aspirational and obtainable, measure progress on goals through strategic reports, and hire and train for better results.
Once you have an understanding of your yield issue, the types of students you are targeting, and your goals you can begin crafting a strategy around the types of tactics that will be most impactful on your campus. This inspirational session will explore how you can make your yield communications more successful using personalization and targeted outreach.
This inspirational session will explore how you can make your yield communications more successful using digital methods (e.g., video, social media, texting, etc.) as tools to prevent attrition.
The most difficult yield challenges institutional face often fall under an area outside of Enrollment Management’s purview. As our cross-campus partners are a driving force for yield strategy, it is critical to prepare to educate and mobilize them about the yield barriers your institution is facing and how they can make a positive impact. We will explore strategies to help get your cross-campus partners onboard for a more seamless strategy.
Building on the previous session, you will build out your next steps for when you get home, identify key stakeholders to connect with, and strategize ways to get their buy-in.
Benjamin Hagan
Assistant Director for Recruitment Services, Oklahoma State University
A member of the admissions senior leadership team, Ben has been responsible for teams enrolling four of the top five largest freshman classes at OSU, including the largest freshman class of any institution in Oklahoma higher education history.
Jens Larson
Interim Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management, Eastern Washington University
Jens Larson joined EWU in 2011 and now serves as the AVP for Enrollment Management. A nationally recognized leader on enrollment and marketing strategy, he's led workshops and presented at major conferences like RNL, AMA, eduWeb, HighEdWeb, Higher Ed Analytics, and others.
Amy Tiberio
Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management and Marketing, Roger Williams University
In her current role, Amy directly oversees the undergraduate admission department and works collaboratively on financial aid and marketing strategies. Amy has also been actively involved with leadership roles within the New England Association for College Admission Counseling (NEACAC). She currently serves on the executive board as Treasurer.
Questions About the Event?
Kate Poisson
Program Manager, Academic Impressions