Enhancing Employee Growth and Development through Supervisory Coaching

Enhancing Employee Growth and Development through Supervisory Coaching


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Learn and practice the components key to a coaching approach to supervision.


How do supervisors help their employees to grow and develop in the workplace? Applying a coaching approach to supervision establishes a motivating environment in which employees can meet department and professional goals. Coaching is designed to provide ongoing feedback, recognition, and support as employees work towards meeting their objectives. In this unique series, which combines training with application through one-on-one coaching, you’ll learn how to apply a four-part framework—trust, potential, commitment, and execution—to help your employees meet their professional goals.

How It Works — This Highly Personalized Experience Is Comprised of Two Component Parts

  1. Online Session. You will attend a two-hour session on Tuesday, July 11, 2023, where you will learn the key components of coaching and how to apply them to your work in supervising others.
  2. Supervision Coaching. Next, you will be assigned a “supervision coach” who is well-versed in this content. You will complete three hour-long one-on-one coaching sessions within the span of one month. Your coach will work with you to both enhance your understanding of coaching and embed coaching practices into your work as a supervisor. Upon completion of the sessions, you will be able to utilize a coaching approach in your supervisory role.


What is supervision coaching?

Supervision coaching is designed to help enhance or overcome any limiting beliefs or “stuckness” you may face and to support the day-to-day implementation of the new skills you have gained during the training session.

Comprised of three hour-long coaching calls over a one-month time frame, supervision coaching provides an opportunity to apply and integrate the skills presented during the training program. Our coaches—who are themselves experts in higher education with agility in the supervision skillset—are trained to meet you where you are and to help you implement the training you’ve received in your everyday work practices. In this way, coaching allows you to extend your learning even further to really make it “stick.”


Who Should Attend

This program has been designed for aspiring, new, and seasoned supervisors interested in expanding their knowledge base and approach to building an effective supervisory relationship with their team.


Tuesday, July 11, 2023

1:00 – 3:00 p.m. ET


Online Session: Building Your Coaching Foundation

This session will provide an overview of the foundation and skills necessary for impactful supervisory coaching. The first part of the session will explore four principles key to effective supervisory coaching: trust, potential, commitment, and execution. The second part of the session will explore the coaching skills necessary to incorporate coaching into your approach as a supervisor.


Portrait of Moira Killoran

Moira Killoran, PhD

Director of Coaching, Academic Impressions

Moira is a seasoned coach (since 2005) and former academic (since 1994) who has mentored over 60 coaches since 2010 as director of coaching at Academic Impressions and other coaching organizations. She is a compassionate truth-teller, working with individuals and groups to deepen self-awareness; explore strategies, options, and opportunities; expand abilities and vision; and co-create systems of accountability.

Read Moira's Full Bio.


Dr. Therese Lask

Head of Practice for Leadership, Academic Impressions

Therese has been in higher education for over 25 years, with experience in academic affairs, student affairs, development, and operations. Following her purpose to help others grow and develop, Therese draws upon the work of such thought leaders as Meg Wheatley, Kouzes and Posner, Angela Duckworth, and Jim Collins to guide her work. It is Therese’s belief that we can all continually grow and enhance our ability to lead others.

Read Therese's Full Bio.



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Questions About the Event?


Dr. Therese Lask
Head of Practice for Leadership,
Academic Impressions

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