Self-Awareness as Your Superpower: A Certificate Program for Department Chairs

Course Length

2h 31m

Self-Awareness as Your Superpower: A Certificate Program for Department Chairs

Did You Know? Growing in self-awareness is one of the best ways you can strengthen your relationships with others.


Self-awareness lies at the heart of effective leadership. A self-aware department chair understands why they lead the way they do because they study their own attitudes, behaviors, and motives. However, the most effective department chairs also practice “other-awareness,” which means that they study the impact of their attitudes, behaviors, and motives on others. And this can be your superpower, because it increases your effectiveness in developing meaningful relationships with your stakeholders, including your dean, faculty, staff, and students. 

Join us for a four-week certificate program designed to help you build your self-awareness superpower.  Throughout this course, you’ll explore:   

  • What self-awareness is, and why it’s important to spend time evaluating and understanding your leadership style. 
  • What your leadership style looks like in both normal and stressful situations, and how you can adapt your style to meet the needs of different people and circumstances.  
  • The inherent balancing acts of being a department chair and leader in higher ed—and how you can choose how you “show up” in your own leadership. 

As a final activity, you will create a personalized definition of leadership—something that communicates who you are as a leader—and you’ll discuss with your peers how you can apply it to a current leadership challenge you’re facing now.